Friday, July 15, 2011


So here it goes my first attempt at blogging. In about 4 weeks I will be moving from my beloved state of California to Kansas for grad school. I have never even been to the state of Kansas or even visited what will be my new school (the University of Kansas). I am starting this blog to keep my family and friends updated on my new life in Kansas. I hope to share funny stories (I'm sure once it starts to snow there will be plenty of them eeek!) and perhaps share a little of my everyday fashion choices (only because I secretly want to have my own fashion blog).

Please bear with me as I figure this whole crazy thing out!



  1. can't wait for the posts combining kansas and fashion, like 'what the heck i am doing living in the snow and wearing CA boots'!

    so glad you are on here!!!

  2. p.s.

    can't believe i made it on your header!

  3. Then let me be one of your first followers. =) And maybe youll visit me someday. Excited.
